DISCOVERY BOX - Subscription

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Help kids understand the world they live in

DiscoveryBox teaches kids that reading doesn’t always mean long texts or stories. Through thoughtfully crafted captions and images, kids can discover the world while practicing other modes of reading. DiscoveryBox is the winner of the 2020 Parents’ Choice Gold Award. Recognized for its commitment to delivering captivating content that gives just the right level of depth while inviting readers to explore further.

Here is what you will find in this science, history, animals and culture themed magazine each month:

  • 50+ colour pages of vivid and exciting educational material,
  • Cartoons – a fun story each issue with imaginative illustrations and familiar characters,
  • Fun Facts – speedy facts in every issue to teach kids about the vital subjects covered.Your Mail – a showcase of artwork, poetry, jokes and other comments from our readers,
  • Science, history and geography – key areas of the curriculum are covered with informative and engaging content.
DiscoveryBox, le magazine pour donner un nouveau regard sur la lecture en anglais. Grâce à des légendes et des images claires, vos enfants découvriront le monde tout en pratiquant d’autres modes de lecture.Médaille d’or 2020 du choix des parents, DiscoveryBox est reconnu pour son contenu captivant, qui donne envie aux enfants d’approfondir les sujets qui les passionnent.Chaque mois, votre enfant retrouvera plus de 50 pages d’infos passionnantes, des BD pleines d’humour et des faits essentiels à connaitre sur le monde qui l’entoure, tout en couvrant l’essentiel du programme scolaire à travers un contenu informatif et intéressant.