L'Ecole des loisirs (Books)

The subscriptions for 2024-25 are now online! Please place the order on our website for a local support in Australia.
Les collections 2024-25 sont en ligne ! Merci de commander sur notre site internet pour un suivi personnalisé. 

Le Forum in partnership with the publisher l'Ecole des loisirs,  offers the very popular book-subscriptions for your children. Receive 8 books, one per month during 8 months from November to June and choose from 8 collections depending on your child's age and/or level. You can subscribe at any time during the year and you will receive the already released books in one shipment.

There are two types of subscriptions (Single or Grouped).

The Grouped price is available when 3 or more subscriptions from any collections, are purchased. The subscriptions are then sent to one same address. So share the information with your friends and French class and be eligible for the Grouped price! For each 10 grouped subscriptions at the same address, receive 1 free subscription!

    Note aux parents des élèves de Highgate Primary School in Adelaide, du lycée Condorcet de Sydney, de l'EFM de Melbourne, de FANS à Sydney (North), de Tingalpa State school, Almost French à Melbourne, des Alliances Francaise et autres écoles participantes ainsi que les personnes qui acceptent d'assurer la redistribution des livres aux autres familles participantes.

    For subscription inquiries, please contact us via email leforummagz@gmail.com or by phone (WhatsApp)  on +61 401 153 254.